Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"You never take me out!"

First of all, it doesn't mean literally never. Unless it is the case, then DAMN, take her out you ass!
She feels neglected, so don't fixate on the "going out" part. There are other meanings to that, which can be summed up by "doing something together OUTSIDE a house".

What NOT to do:
  • Pfffff
  • Roll your eyes 
  • Pretend you didn't hear
  • Shout "I do take you out"
  • Give an example of the last time you went out
  • Blame it on money (a lot of things can be done for free)
  • Say "I'm tired"
  • Say "What do you want to do?"
What to do:
  • Stay calm
  • Admit it has been a while
  • Take action
  • Think of creative alternatives when short on cash (think fun, playful)
  • Give her the attention she needs
  • Remember what Drama means and stay away from it
  • Have a positive approach
Remember not to take it personally

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Valentine's Day

"I don't want to do anything for Valentine's."

If you actually believe that then you are one lucky guy who has a woman who always means what she says, OR you are a MORON because you should have known by now that it really means:

No woman does not want to go out or get something for Valentine's. Most men think it is a lame night to burn a hole in their wallets...
Well guess what?? Your woman DOESN'T

What NOT to do:
  • Do not be cheap
  • Do not pretend like you actually believed she did not want to go out
  • Do not take her somewhere you have already been to
  • Do not buy her something red and heart shaped just for the sake of it
What to do:
  • Buy flowers
  • Do have something romantic written sent with the flowers
  • Plan something original
  • Buy something pretty- this does not have to be expensive...
  • Do take her out to dinner OR even better make her dinner

P.S: you do not have to do all the "dos" listed above. 
Remember it is the thought that counts