Monday, September 24, 2012

"I don't want anything for my birthday"

Now you know this is never true. No woman doesn't want anything for her birthday.
She doesn't want to feel old either. So the more you do the better.

First thing you should do is to be the first one to wish her happy birthday.

Now let's discuss the plan for the evening:

Do plan something romantic: just the two of u obviously. If ur planning a surprise party and wish to invite her friends call her best friend. Her real best friend would know what ur girl really feels like and who to invite. But before you do so, make sure you have some time alone were you can be at ur best and show her your romantic side. Bottom line, you have to take her out.

When taking her out, make sure it's a new place. Now we don't necessarily mean an obnoxiously fancy place, but take her somewhere good (refer to "I don't care..." post for more details).

Make her feel pampered all the time, especially when it's time for the gift.

This doesn't mean that u should go all out when buying her a gift, but what u should do is put some thought into it. And some cash, you don't want to be cheap on her birthday.

Make sure you remember all the hints she gave you along the way, they may come in handy when picking her gift. Remember it should be something SHE likes.

DO NOT forget the card. Write your own message, and don't copy last year's.

May it be a happy birthday to both of u...

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Eating Out....

Can't be said enough: Women "ALWAYS CARE" where they are going to eat

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Helpful tips

The Manslater

Don't you wish you had one?

Bachelor mania

It is wedding season and the best men are at work preparing the big night! We all know the boys look forward to that night way more than the groom and that what happens in the "bachelor night" stays in the "bachelor night".
After such a night, you should expect some questions.

What NOT to do:

    • Say "what happens in bachelor night stays in the bachelor night"
    • Answer with "It was OK"
    • Say nothing
    • Zone out remembering the party
    • Take pictures

What to do:

    • Tell her everything without going into the dirty details
    • Sound believable when you're not
    • The single guy keeps the pictures

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

"Do I look fat?"

Now everybody's heard that at least once in their lifetime.
So let's go straight to the point:

What NOT to do:
  • Pause
  • Stutter
  • Take too much time looking at her before answering; this means you are scrutinizing her curves
  • If you don't like what she's wearing, don't make a face
  • Say yes
What to do:
  • Always anticipate her question by giving her compliments as soon as she walks in; the "noooooo" that follows her question will always sound credible
  • Be believable when saying "No" if the above didn't apply
  • If you don't like what she's wearing, propose something else while expressing how you love to see her in it
  • Smile with admiration

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

"Are you gonna watch the game tonight?"

The football game is on tonight... she is probably not too happy about it probably because she feels like she is not getting enough attention so she tries to get ur attention
She starts asking questions like: What r u thinking right now? Why are u pissed? Do u wanna order smth to eat? Can u mute! that guy's voice is annoying! What's his name?? The hot one!!!!!
If your team is not playing, then don't watch it. It will save u the trouble.

If it is then we know its an ugly situation but this might prevent it from getting uglier

What NOT to do:
  • Ask her to prepare snacks
  • Ask her to get u stuff
  • Snap at her
  • Respond with "AT HALF TIME"
  • Comment on the women in the audience
  • Respond with "What??? Yea yea"
  • Let her tidy up after the game is over 

What to do:
  • Give her ur full attention before the game 
  • Make her feel she is one of the 'understanding' ones just before the game
  • Explain to her in specific details all there is about football that she would not want to hear or ask about it
  • Give her as much attention as u can at halftime
Good night and good luck

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"You never take me out!"

First of all, it doesn't mean literally never. Unless it is the case, then DAMN, take her out you ass!
She feels neglected, so don't fixate on the "going out" part. There are other meanings to that, which can be summed up by "doing something together OUTSIDE a house".

What NOT to do:
  • Pfffff
  • Roll your eyes 
  • Pretend you didn't hear
  • Shout "I do take you out"
  • Give an example of the last time you went out
  • Blame it on money (a lot of things can be done for free)
  • Say "I'm tired"
  • Say "What do you want to do?"
What to do:
  • Stay calm
  • Admit it has been a while
  • Take action
  • Think of creative alternatives when short on cash (think fun, playful)
  • Give her the attention she needs
  • Remember what Drama means and stay away from it
  • Have a positive approach
Remember not to take it personally

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Valentine's Day

"I don't want to do anything for Valentine's."

If you actually believe that then you are one lucky guy who has a woman who always means what she says, OR you are a MORON because you should have known by now that it really means:

No woman does not want to go out or get something for Valentine's. Most men think it is a lame night to burn a hole in their wallets...
Well guess what?? Your woman DOESN'T

What NOT to do:
  • Do not be cheap
  • Do not pretend like you actually believed she did not want to go out
  • Do not take her somewhere you have already been to
  • Do not buy her something red and heart shaped just for the sake of it
What to do:
  • Buy flowers
  • Do have something romantic written sent with the flowers
  • Plan something original
  • Buy something pretty- this does not have to be expensive...
  • Do take her out to dinner OR even better make her dinner

P.S: you do not have to do all the "dos" listed above. 
Remember it is the thought that counts

Monday, January 23, 2012

Post-Date Night

So after date night and proposing a place, comes the "what kind of base are we on" situation.

If you followed the previous post than chances are you are getting lucky tonight ;) Since you started your night by taking control, she's most probably expecting you to continue doing so.
One or more of the below guarantee you are getting a reward:
  • she is being flirty
  • she grabs your hand, touches your shoulder, plays with her hair, her hands...
  • she giggles
  • she is sensual
  • she's in an overall positive mood

What NOT to do:
  • Do not ignore the signs
  • Do not be "tired"
  • Do not let your male "habits" take control
  • Do not say sleazy comments
  • Do not rush things
What to do:
  • Flirt back
  • Be smooth
  • Tease her
  • Be seductive
  • Compliment her
  • Keep her happy

She needs to remember how great this night was, so make sure to blow her mind.

Friday, January 6, 2012

"I don't care..."

He says: "What do you feel like doing tonight?". "I don't care, whatever you want" she answers. Don't fall into this trap. It means you BETTER pick something she WANTS or LIKES.

What NOT to do:
  • Do not take her somewhere YOU like
  • Do not actually pick something YOU want
  • Do not pick the usual places
  • Do not stay at home
  • Do not get annoyed
What to do:
  • Start your sentence by "How about we do ...?"
  • Surprise her
  • Pick a new place she has hinted about before, that would show how attentive you are
  • Always remember what she likes
  • Always avoid what she hates
It is as complicated as you think it is.